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What is HTML : Common uses and features

Have you come across the term HTML before? Ever wondered what HTML truly means? HTML, short for HyperText Markup Language, operates distinctively from programming languages. While programming languages modify data, markup languages such as HTML determine the display of elements on a webpage.

HTML possesses a straightforward, text-based structure, making it easily comprehensible for beginners. Observe the following example:


     <title>Page Title</title>

So, what exactly is HTML used for? Web developers rely on it to organize, format, and exhibit a webpage’s content. Let’s dive deeper into how HTML functions, the improvements introduced by HTML5, and the diverse career paths utilizing this language.


How does HTML function?

HTML content generally resides in files bearing the .htm or .html extension. Websites may consist of numerous HTML files stored across various directories.

Upon visiting a webpage, its server transmits HTML files to your browser, which then interprets and displays the content. While some web applications don’t solely rely on static HTML, they dynamically generate it in response to specific server actions.

Incorporating CSS and JavaScript, alongside images and videos, enhances a webpage by introducing style, interactivity, and additional features. These three languages together form the bedrock of web development.


Understanding HTML Tags and Elements

HTML elements serve as the fundamental building blocks of a webpage. These elements, encapsulated by opening and closing tags, can be nested within others. They allow web developers to structure a page into sections, headings, and content blocks. Consider this example:

  <p>The main content</p>
    <li>List item one</li>
    <li>List item two</li>

The <div> element envelops the others and is commonly used to segment a webpage. Within it, the <h1> defines the main heading, usually larger and bolder, while the <p> signifies a paragraph element. Nested elements, such as <ul> and <li>, create lists on the page.


HTML5 Advancements

HTML5, the latest HTML version, significantly enhanced the language’s functionality. It eradicated the need for additional software like browser plugins, offering a multitude of new tags such as <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, and <nav>.

These additions marked a pivotal shift in modern webpage development, enabling dynamic and feature-rich pages.


Practical Use of HTML

HTML, in its essence, structures and defines a webpage’s headings, paragraphs, and other content elements. Additionally, it facilitates navigation across the web by enabling hyperlinks and the embedding of media like images and videos.

Moreover, HTML5 substantially expanded data storage capabilities and enabled offline functionality, contributing to smoother user experiences on web applications.


HTML in Diverse Career Paths

A foundational knowledge of HTML is indispensable for aspiring web developers. Front-end and mobile developers, alongside back-end engineers, leverage HTML along with other languages for designing web layouts and application functionalities.

The significance of HTML isn’t limited to the internet; its application extends to intranets, internal systems, and even non-technical sectors such as marketing for blogs and emails.

For those keen on mastering HTML and venturing into a web development career, our comprehensive courses offer in-depth understanding and practical application.

Explore our Learn HTML course and Front-End Engineer Career Path for an enriching journey into the world of web development.